50% of Online Transactions Are Now Done Via Mobile Shopping

mobile shopping Team Debello
Mobile transactions now represent more than 50 percent of online transactions in many countries, according to Criteo’s Global Commerce Review for Q2 of 2018.

The report analyzes shoppers’ activities, behaviors, and preferences across all devices and browsing environments, using data from over 5,000 retailers, in more than 80 countries.

Data from this report can be used to gain insight into and delineate opportunities and trends within the mobile web and mobile apps.

Other Key Findings

Apps are a significant driver of online sales, the report finds, with a 30 percent year-over-year increase in the share of in-app transactions.

Customers are more likely to convert when shopping on a retailer’s dedicated app versus a mobile website.

In North America alone, the conversion rate of shopping apps is more than three times higher than the mobile web.

mobile ads Team Debello
Among online-only retailers who promote their app, 31 percent of transactions come from the in-app purchase channel.

That number more than doubles when looking at omnichannel retailers who actively promote their app, with mobile purchases representing 65% of their transactions.

In making a case for offline sales, the report finds retailers that combine their offline and online data can apply over four times as much sales data to optimize their marketing efforts.

Mobile shopping is showing no signs of slowing down across all countries included in the study.

Currently, Northern Europe and Japan are leaders in mobile shopping. That means there’s plenty of opportunities for US retailers to grow their share of mobile transactions in the coming years.

Download the full report here, or if your ready to make it happen for you, send us a message below!

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Why location data matters – even if you’re not a retailer

Website Checklist For Success - 2018

build a successful website Team Debello

Is your small business website effectively pulling in visitors, keeping them around and converting them to customers? If your website is a little more than an online placeholder, it’s time to start putting it to work so you can grow your business and take advantage of the huge potential consumer base for the online market.

Today’s consumers are accessing your website from their desktops and laptops, and also from their smartphones and tablets. This checklist will help you make sure that your site is doing what it should for your small business – increasing your profits.

Why You Need Google Business

Google My Business, which used to be known as Google Places, is a free online platform that Google provides. It has two purposes: to help business owners increase their online visibility and to help people find and review businesses in their local area. It’s effectively the most comprehensive and accessible business directory ever created.

Google My Business listings are for businesses that serve customers primarily in their local area, with examples of types of businesses that the listings are meant for including, but not being limited to: accountants, builders, salons, couriers, dentists, driving schools, gyms, photographers, recruitment agencies, restaurants, caterers, electricians, estate agents, garages, plumbers, and solicitors.
Whenever someone is using anything Google related, and searches for something which Google determines to have local intent, such as ‘dentists London’ or ‘restaurant in Newcastle’, links to 3

Google My Business listings will be displayed below a map of the local area. When clicking on a business’s Google My Business listing, people can see the following:

  • The business’s name, address and phone number.
  • The business’s location on a map.
  • The business’s opening hours.
  • A link to the business’s website.
  • Photos related to the business.
  • Reviews of the business left by previous customers.
  • A rating out of 5 for the business (based on scores given by previous customers).

This is an example of what a Google My Business listing looks like:


debello google business listing



Now you know what Google My Business is, let’s look at the reasons that your business should not just be aware of the platform, but should be actively embracing it.

Access To More People

In terms of connecting businesses with people at the exact time when they’re looking for a particular service in their area, nothing comes close to the reach of Google, which is the default starting point for most people searching online for information.

Better Presence In Search Results

Google My Business listings are displayed above the standard search results which means the businesses shown there have a greater presence and get more attention. It’s also possible to be listed in both Google’s local business listings and within the standard search results, which means two 1st page listings instead of one.

Gain Trust With Customers

To people searching on Google, the verification process and unbiased rating/review system used for Google My Business listings makes them more trustworthy than business websites, and rightly so, as Google makes it very difficult for unscrupulous businesses to attain good rankings in their local search results.
For those reasons, and also because the platform is both free to use and simple to set-up, you should definitely start using Google My Business today. The sooner you get started, the sooner your business will be visible when people in your area search for keywords relevant to your business, and the sooner you’ll start receiving a steady flow of customers from Google.


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How Some Internet Ads Follow You Around

Debello Agency Internet Ad tracking

Internet ads are so invasive that we can’t blame you for thinking that Facebook is listening to you talk. It’s probably not, but it is helping ad networks track you across the internet and across your apps. Tech public policy expert Chris Yiu recently tweeted 14 different ways that ads follow you around the internet, even when you’re logged out, in incognito, using a different browser, or on a new device.

One important one is Facebook’s trackers, which are embedded on any site that integrates Facebook “like” buttons, Facebook page widgets, or other social tools:

You open Google and search for a product or website, which helps Google build up a profile of you and your interests. Later on you use your Google account to sign in somewhere else, and you see ads based on this profile (N.B. you can turn ads personalization off if you want to)

debello facebook advertising

You're logged in to Facebook. You visit a website and it has Facebook's tracking pixel (or Like button) installed, which lets Facebook know you're there. Later on you visit Facebook, and your newsfeed contains adverts based on what you were looking at earlier

Here are a few ways you can minimize unwanted personalization. For example, you can reset your phone’s unique identifier:

You install an app on your phone, and then sign in to it using one of your online accounts. You guessed it: your device ID is now associated with that account. Later on you see ads based on your apps when you're using the account on your computer

N.B. Apple, Android and Windows mobile devices all let you disable or reset your device ID. This won't stop you seeing ads, but it will reduce the amount of personalization that can follow you from one app to another

debello advertising trust

Unfortunately, you can’t control all tracking—Facebook and Google can collect data on you even if you don’t have an account, by scooping up your friends’ phone contacts or by logging usual browser data. This is the kind of invasive tracking and data collection that prompted the European Union to enact GDPR. So all those “we’ve changed our privacy policy” emails are a good sign—or at least a good start.

The Significance of SEO in Web Design

debello website design seo friendly
People go online to search for different types of information and this means that your company needs a strong online presence. Many users need to carry out searches before they make a purchase. Your business thus requires a website that will be ranked on the first page of search results. Websites represent companies and have the ability to determine whether or not users will be receptive to them.

Search Results

local SEO citations

Having a website is important but in order for it to help your business become more profitable, it needs to be seen in search results whenever searches are carried out using particular keywords. This is based on the tendency of people to search according to what they are looking for, such as product or service.

Websites that do not appear on the first page of search engine results when people carry out searches can be regarded as non-existent among online users. This is why you need to ensure that your site ranks highly for specific keywords so that search engines place your site higher than several others that are related to the same keywords. SEO includes a variety of factors and plays a critical role in web design.

Value of SEO

Web design and SEO work together and more web designers are choosing to integrate SEO when designing websites. It is important for business owners to be aware of how important SEO is in web design and the value it adds to the design process.

local search eco system

A web design that is compatible with SEO is likely to draw more traffic. A website may be attractive and dazzling but if it is not search-engine friendly, you restrict the ability of major search engines to access your content.

If your website content is not readily accessible to search engines, it will not have a high ranking in the search results. Integrating SEO appropriately in your web design includes aspects such as technology, navigation, linking and content.

Content, Keywords and Links

SEO content keywords


The content on your web pages is vital for SEO success. During the process of building your site, it is advisable for the web designer to be aware of what your business entails. This makes it possible for lists of keywords to be selected in the initial stages of development according to what users are likely to search for when looking for information that relates to the site.
Content is essential in SEO but should be used properly to avoid any unethical practices that may lower our ranking or lead to search engines penalizing your site.Strategic and meaningful placement of keywords will help you get a better ranking for your web pages in search results.

Adding keywords to content while creating the web pages will help to cut down on the time used to change content on web pages for the purpose of SEO.
Link building enables you to have links directed from other credible sites to help you achieve better search engine rankings for your website. In order for quality content and proper link building to yield the best results, web design needs to cater for SEO.

SEO is as critical as the design concepts for your website. If the site is designed while incorporating SEO, the web pages will soon start ranking higher and attracting more users through search engines. Find out how you can analyze a web design company through its portfolio here.

Search Engine Friendly Sites

Search engine friendly sites


Search engine optimization constitutes a range of things including content, keywords, and title tags. If you are not sure of how to implement SEO, you can consult a professional web design service that will help you create an SEO compliant site.

Search engines require relevant and original content along with suitable visual elements such as videos and images. Search engines invest a lot in bandwidth and sites that are easy to crawl through require fewer resources.

Web designers create SEO compliant sites that can be crawled faster and easier by search engines. Technology and navigation are among the factors that are considered in search engine optimization. The objective of search engines is to enhance the usability of the web.

Make sure that SEO is incorporated into your web design process right from the start. After spending a considerable amount of time, money and effort in creating your site, you need to ensure that as many as people as possible will be able to access it.

Visual Appeal and Ranking

Good web designers are aware of the importance of creating attractive sites with SEO in mind. SEO enables you to get better ranking for your site on the web. When users search for products that are available on your website, they will be able to see it as soon as they type in the keywords.

A higher ranking for your website will increase the possibility of your site getting more clicks. It is important for you to drive more traffic to your website because the people who visit your site may become your customers.

Overall Design

The design of your home page is important because it is the first impression of your website and business that your visitors get. Good web design should leave a lasting and positive impression. It is always a good idea to have a clean and clutter-free home page that will not cause your visitors to leave as soon as they log on.

Consider other aspects such as the sizes of your images, navigation, user and search engine friendliness, colors, and overall design. Responsive design is a popular concept because it involves designing for various devices. With the ongoing advancements in technology and increase in online visitors, SEO practices continue to evolve.


Web designers now have access to more technology and options than they did and this is evident in how advanced web designing has become. When you design a website, the user should always be a priority because this helps to determine SEO rankings. This is based on various technicalities and makes it necessary to always prioritize the end user during the design process.

Web design is beneficial for businesses, customers, and search engines when it is not complex or overwhelming. It should lead to links and content that users need while giving businesses the opportunity to reach more people.

debello agency website design

Are You Mobile - Technical SEO Checklist For Mobile

Debello Mobile SEO

A responsive website is not enough to survive in the mobile-first indexing era, says contributor Barry Adams. Here's a list of technical SEO and general optimization aspects you need to be aware of and fix on your site if necessary.

It’s taken over a year and a half, but Google’s mobile-first indexing is finally here.

The Search Console messages have begun to appear, and sites are steadily being switched over to the mobile-first indexing approach.

A lot has been written about mobile-first indexing, but most of the attention has focused on the basic aspects of mobile search engine optimization. In this article, I want to dig into some of the more technical aspects of mobile search engine optimization (SEO) and show what you can do to ensure your website is fully ready and will survive the mobile-first indexing era.

Mobile-first indexing

What does Google mean by “mobile-first indexing?”Contrary to what some SEOs believe, Google is not creating a separate index for mobile search. Whether a site is part of the mobile-first indexing approach or not, Google still serves its search results from the same index of the web.

At its core, only one thing really changes: Instead of crawling websites with a desktop user-agent, Google will crawl websites with a mobile user-agent.

Historically, Google has crawled websites from a desktop perspective, with a user-agent string that indicates a desktop device:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +https://www.google.com/bot.html)

With mobile-first indexing, this changes to a user-agent indicating a mobile device:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +https://www.google.com/bot.html)

This user-agent string shows that it’s purporting to be an Android device, so it expects to see your website’s content optimized for mobile viewing on that type of device.

Delivering mobile-optimized experiences

With this mobile user-agent, what Googlebot sees depends on how your website is configured to handle mobile users. Delivering mobile-optimized experiences tends to happen in one of three ways:

  • Responsive design. With this approach, nothing really changes. Your website’s uniform resource locators (URLs) remain the same, and the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) code served is identical as well. The site’s design will adapt to the size of the screen it’s being shown on, delivering a mobile experience catered to the device’s specific screen resolution. Google recommends responsive design as its preferred design pattern, as it requires the least effort from their end; there is no extra code to index and no additional URLs to crawl.
  • Dynamic serving. Sometimes websites will detect the user-agent when a page is being loaded and serve different HTML code on the same URL depending on the type of device that’s being used. This is called dynamic serving. It is the same URL, different HTML code, one for desktop users and another for mobile users.
  • Separate mobile URL. In this approach, a website will serve different code to mobile users as well and will also use different URLs for its mobile site. Often a website will serve its mobile content from a separate subdomain, like m.website.com, or from a different subfolder like www.website.com/mobile/.
    Each of these mobile design approaches has its own strengths and weaknesses. For the purpose of SEO, responsive design tends to present the least hassle, whereas dynamic serving and separate mobile URLs can cause a lot of problems with your site’s SEO.

But having a fully responsive site doesn’t mean your work is done. Even if you have a responsive site and get a green mark on Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to fear from mobile-first indexing.

Debello Mobile Friendly Website

There are still some aspects of technical SEO and general optimization you need to be aware of and, if necessary, fix on your site. And if your site relies on dynamic serving or separate mobile URLs, there might be quite a lot of work to be done to ensure your site continues to perform.

On-page SEO

First of all, you will need to check your on-page SEO is in order on your mobile site. For websites using responsive design, this is not really an issue, as mobile and desktop pages are basically the same.

However, if your site uses dynamic serving or separate mobile URLs, it’s important to double-check your on-page SEO:

Do you have optimized title tags and meta descriptions?
Do your pages have strong headlines?
Is your content the same as on your desktop versions?
This first step is crucial. Once your site is switched to mobile-first indexing, Google will use what it sees on your mobile site for indexing and ranking. If your mobile site doesn’t have the same level of on-page SEO as your desktop site, you can expect to see your site suffer as a result.

Structured data

In addition to the basic on-page SEO elements, you will also need to keep structured data in mind. Your site may have structured data embedded on your desktop pages that can drive rich snippets in Google’s search results pages. If this structured data is absent on your mobile site, you could lose those rich snippets and the click-through rate (CTR) benefits they convey.

Make sure any structured data markup that’s present on your desktop site is also present — and fully valid — on your mobile site. Use Google’s structured data testing tool to verify your markup, and keep an eye on the structured data report in Google Search Console for potential errors and warnings.

Hreflang tags

If you have an international website, you may be using hreflang tags to indicate alternate versions of your content for different countries and languages. If this is the case, you may need to update your hreflang tags on the mobile version of your site.

Google has indicated that it expects to see appropriate hreflang references on your desktop and mobile websites. So if you have a website that uses separate mobile URLs, make sure your hreflang tags on mobile point to the mobile versions of your international content:

Debello Mobile Friendly Website


Sometimes, for the sake of a smooth mobile user experience, websites will not paginate content the same way for mobile users as it does for desktop users. Instead of links to deeper pages, your mobile site may use infinite scrolling for mobile users or do without any pagination at all and just show a limited set of content.

If this is the case, you will need to fix this before your site is switched to mobile-first indexing. A lack of pagination, or the wrong implementation, could mean that Googlebot won’t see beyond the first page of paginated content. If Googlebot can’t see it, it can’t be crawled and could eventually drop out of Google’s index entirely.

So make sure your pagination is properly handled on mobile, with fully crawlable pagination URLs.

Additionally, your site may use pagination meta tags to indicate paginated content. With rel=prev and rel=next, you can signpost paginated content, like lists of products or an article spread out over multiple pages.

When you use dynamic serving or separate mobile URLs, you need to make sure your pagination meta tags are in place on mobile as well as on desktop.

Internal link structure

When Googlebot crawls a website, it basically just looks for links to follow and crawl. Links are how people navigate the web, and it’s also how search engines crawl the web.

We know links are crucial for ranking purposes. Google still uses PageRank to help evaluate web pages for ranking and links are how PageRank flows through the web.

This won’t change with mobile-first indexing. Links will still be immensely important, and that means you need to look at your mobile site’s internal link structure in the same way as on a desktop.

Often mobile versions of a site will show fewer links to manage their users’ experience more tightly. Mobile devices have smaller screens and use a different interaction model (touch screen vs. mouse and keyboard), so there’s less room for links to deeper pages. The downside is that it could impact your site’s mobile SEO.

Because links are crucial for Google, fewer links on your mobile site means a different distribution of PageRank through your site. This could mean some of your deeper pages lose ranking power once your site is switched to mobile-first indexing.

A good way to check your site’s internal link structure on desktop and mobile is to use a tool like Sitebulb to crawl your site.

Configure Sitebulb to crawl your site with a desktop user-agent, and then crawl your site again with a mobile user-agent. Then, compare crawl maps for both versions and see how they differ.

Debello Mobile friendly website SEO


Alternatively, you can use a cloud crawler like DeepCrawl to do the same.


Debello Mobile friendly website SEO


Rather than a visual crawl map, DeepCrawl uses an internal link metric called DeepRank to indicate the internal link value for each URL on your site. By comparing the DeepRank scores for your desktop and mobile URLs, you can see how the flow of link value on your mobile site differs from your desktop site.

You may discover that some deeper pages get much less link value on mobile, and you’ll need to address this with improved internal linking.

Reasonable surfer approach

An additional aspect of internal linking is the value of each link, as determined by its place within your content.

In 2004, Google filed a patent describing a “reasonable surfer” approach to evaluating the weight a link should carry. In a nutshell, if a link is likely to be clicked on by a regular user (the “reasonable surfer”), that link should carry more weight than a link that is not likely to be clicked on.

So the position of a link in your content matters a lot. Links that are not likely to be clicked, such as footer links, will have less value than links that users are likely to click on, such as links in the main body content.

There’s no reason to believe Google will stop applying this logic in mobile-first indexing. And this could have a profound impact on your website’s internal link value, especially if your site uses mobile user experience (UX) tricks such as collapsed content and hidden divs.

Make sure you evaluate not just the presence of internal links, but also where those links exist on your mobile site. Are they prominent and very clickable, or hidden and unlikely to be clicked by a mobile user? If the latter is the case, expect those links to carry less weight than they might on a desktop.

Site configuration

Lastly, there are some aspects of your site’s technical configuration that can impact your organic performance in mobile-first indexing. These areas of your site are often neglected on mobile because they apply primarily to search engines and have little to no impact on users.

It pays to double-check each of these aspects on your mobile sites to ensure you offer a complete experience to search engines as well.


Your site’s robots.txt file contains directives for search engines to adhere to when they crawl your site. If you have a separate mobile site that lives on a different subdomain, like m.website.com, you could have a different robots.txt file for that mobile site — or worse, have no robots.txt file at all.

Make sure that your mobile site has the same robots.txt rules as your desktop site, serving the same purpose. So if you are using disallow rules in robots.txt to prevent your site’s internal search function from being crawled on your desktop site, you need to do the same on your mobile site.


Often a site will have many redirects in place to send users, and search engines, to the correct pages when content is changed or replaced. Your redirects may be optimally tuned on your desktop site, but are they also in place on your mobile site?

A lack of proper redirects on your mobile site could cause all kinds of SEO problems, so make sure your redirects are in place for mobile users as well.

Crawl rate

When your site is switched over to mobile-first indexing, there is a chance Google will increase the rate at which it crawls your site to ensure it’s finding all your mobile pages. Your site needs to be able to handle this properly without slowing your site down.

Making sure your site’s hosting environment has enough capacity to handle an increased crawl rate isn’t just for SEO; it could also speed up your site in general, which has all kinds of additional benefits.

Double-check everything, then check again

Mobile first indexing is a matter of when, not if. It will happen to your site sooner or later, and you need to be ready for it.

Preparing for the mobile-first indexing era means you need to check everything, and then check it again. Don’t be complacent; a positive Mobile-Friendly Test is just the beginning. Make sure every aspect of your site’s SEO is in order on mobile as well as a desktop, and your switch should be easy and hassle-free.


Why NAP Is Important To SEO

A major factor in determining how you rank locally is the quantity and quality of citations and NAP consistency across your citations.

What does NAP stand for?

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. It's a critical factor in local SEO and influences which companies Google and other search engines show for local intent searches.

People often refer to occurrences of NAP data around the web as citations. A citation is when your NAP data shows up on directory sites like Yelp or Angie's List, newspaper articles, blogs posts, etc.

Moz's Local Search Ranking Factors report is an industry standard survey that describes the importance of ranking factors for local SEO.

Out of the top 6 “Foundational Ranking Factors,” 3 are related to citation quantity, quality, and consistency. In other words, is the business name, address, phone number, and website consistent and accurate across all references of your NAP data online?

Out of the top 13 “Competitive Difference Makers,” 6 have to do with citation quantity, quality, and consistency.

How business data is distributed

There are data companies that collect, verify, and distribute business data for companies all around the world. When a business is started, its information eventually finds its way into this business data ecosystem.

Many of those providers make money by selling this data as leads or as a data feed to other companies.

InfoGroup is one such company and you can actually buy business leads directly from them.

Companies like Google, Yelp, and others subscribe to the business data from these data providers. Additionally, they scour the web for business data and add it to their databases.

The result of all this is a business data ecosystem, where websites and data providers are feeding off each other's information and that information gets spread around, both on and offline.

This business data ecosystem is why you get telemarketing calls, snail mail solicitations, etc, when you start a business. It's also why your business data can usually be found on sites like Yelp, Google+, and YellowPages.com even if nobody in your company created a listing on those sites.

Why are citations such an important ranking factor?
In lieu of having to manually review business information for millions of companies, Google uses data points it can process programmatically to determine your rankings.

When determining how you rank in local results, Google scans the web for mentions of your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and several other data points. It then compares that information to other data sources, including the major data providers and possibly even post office records, state business filings, and telephone records.

Your local search rankings are heavily influenced by whether or not Google finds your business information on the web and from their data suppliers, and whether that information is consistent and matches that provided on your Google+ page and website.

Watch out for local SEO landing pages

There's a common practice amongst local SEO companies that don't really know what they're doing (or don't care) of creating local SEO mini sites with a tracking number attached, and then tying those sites to your Google+ page and building citations using the mini site URL and the tracking number instead of your real website URL and primary business landline.


local site SEO


They do this so they can track all calls / form submissions and report to their clients on how well they're doing. I get that.

But, quite frankly, these companies should be sued out of business. It's a HUGE problem, here's why…

Business data moves around the data ecosystem like a virus – once it's found in one location it multiplies and spreads.

If the information is accurate, then it's a good thing and you benefit, usually with improved rankings.

If the information is inaccurate, it still spreads, but it damages your ability to rank locally and becomes extremely difficult to clean up.

In practice, what happens when you put a tracking number or mini-site URL on your Google+ page or other citations is that all those other business directories, data providers, etc, find that information, save it, and spread it around like a virus to all the other business directories and data providers.

This dramatically impacts your ability to rank locally.

How to fix the problem

Fixing the problem isn't easy; the business data ecosystem is like a hierarchy, with the authoritative players at the top and everyone else below them. But all the players in the ecosystem "borrow" information from one another and so inaccurate information spreads fast.


local search eco system


Fixing the problem of inaccurate or inconsistent NAP data starts by fixing information on file with the authoritative players. That usually means the starting with the big data providers:

  • InfoGroup
  • Acxiom
  • Localeze
  • Factual

Then moving on to the authoritative directory sites:

  • Google+
  • Yelp
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • Etc…

And finally, cleaning up any remaining listings on the second and third tier directory sites like:

  • Yellowpages.com
  • CitySearch
  • Healthgrades.com
  • AngiesList
  • Etc…

…And the list goes on and on.

Fixing the problem is hard

Once you fix an incorrect listing, it's not uncommon for it to pop right back up again later because there is no one single authority for business data; that means if you correct a Yahoo listing, for example, Yahoo may see that listing still exists on Yelp and re-create it automatically. It's like whack-a-mole.

But the cleanup is necessary; if you don't fix at least a large chunk of the problem, it's unlikely you'll ever rank locally for anything but non-competitive keywords.

The good news is citation cleanup is totally doable It's certainly not easy, but it's also not impossible. It certainly takes longer to clean up than if there was never a problem in the first place, but it can be cleaned up and it can usually be done in a way that is not cost-prohibitive.

In the end, your online citations should match the business filings with the state, the information the post office has, the information on your website, and should ideally use a landline as the phone number.

Why NAP Is Important To SEO

Digital Marketing Performance Strategy

These services help clients frame business goals and establish priorities to support the achievement of these goals and relevance at scale.

Mobile is the new battleground for brands, yet many marketers struggle to understand how digital marketing trends can influence growth. Google's VP of Marketing, Lisa Gevelber, spoke  about how brands can elevate digital marketing performance in a mobile-first world.

With digital marketing, brands can more deeply understand their consumers, and as a result, provide them with more valuable experiences. But mobile also creates challenges for marketers as they try to understand its true impact.

Lisa Gevelber, Google: iCrossing has a long history of leadership in search engine marketing. How can search help marketers understand consumer purchasing behaviors?

At Debello, we believe search and social media are important indicators of intent. Looking at these signals, in combination with other digital behavior, we gain a deeper appreciation of what customers want and how they discover it. That gets us closer to understanding the nuances of the purchasing process overall.

Understanding context and timing is also really important. For example, when VMware tasked iCrossing with driving downloads for an app-based game to educate IT professionals. They developed a campaign using in-app interest targeting as well as Search Ads on Google Play. By putting this download into the right environments and calling out its gameplay element, the campaign drove an astonishing 11,200 downloads in the first six months. This approach allowed them to connect with the right consumers, in the right micro-moment, and provide something useful to them.

Geo-location targeting and remarketing can make a big impact as well. PetSmart was opening a series of new stores, and ran dynamic Search and Display ads targeted to a 10-15-mile radius of each location. This activity was run both in advance of the stores opening—utilizing retargeting—and during the openings, to provide a coupon that could be used in the new stores. This targeted audience approach, coupled with location data, drove over 4,000 engagements to these new PetSmart locations in a short five-week period.

We know that today's consumer journey is multi-channel and multi-device. How should marketers think about measurement in a mobile-first world?

Marketers need to reach a level of comfort with the fact that there's going to be a lot of estimates. You're going to have to bridge gaps between what's known and what you think is happening. We try to help marketers take that leap, to start thinking about these three questions:

  1. "What is worth measuring?"
  2. "How much can we proxy?"
  3. "How much is as simple as tracking changes in monthly or annualized sales?"

If people don't let go of outdated metrics, they're going to miss out on connecting consumers with their brand, because we're not solving seamless cross-device measurement anytime soon. It's definitely more difficult for people who have been traditional performance marketers, who have built their entire careers on ROI, because the notion of brand performance and growth has changed.

But digital marketing performance has changed and specific tactics for performance no longer bind us. We have to think about performance from an omnichannel perspective; everything is performance marketing.

For example, now we see direct response-driven brands launch on YouTube, which has traditionally been an upper funnel tactic—educating people and emotionally connecting them with your brand. But guess what? You can now buy directly from a video, so you're combining brand work with a very bottom-of-the-funnel activity, and brands are getting great sales performance from it.

What are your tips for marketers who might be struggling with how performance has evolved?

First, think very hard about the customers you want to go after, but be open to those you don't know about yet—use the data that's available in the marketplace to figure that out.

Second, don't box yourself in by where we are with today's measurement solutions. Technology adoption is happening so fast that we're never going to be able to encapsulate everything and measure it perfectly. If you hold on too tight to legacy metrics, you're going to miss opportunities.

And that leads to the third thing: You need to test and experiment. Understand what you want to get out of a marketing campaign, base your KPIs on that, and think about what you're willing to risk to potentially be rewarded over time. That's a mindset that we've lost sight of, but in order to drive real performance growth you have to experiment and try new stuff that isn't guaranteed to work.

Orange County Marketing

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A full-service Digital Marketing Agency located in Orange County, CA. We believe that being a Relevant brand is more valuable than just being a Famous one. We create and build useful, connected online systems that grow businesses and build enduring relationships between brands and humans.

Orange County Marketing

Orange County Marketing

Orange County Marketing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eu justo sed orci eleifend auctor elementum vitae nisl. Fusce et lorem enim. Sed sed nulla sit amet ligula malesuada pharetra. Fusce sed metus eget mauris mollis finibus pulvinar id risus. Proin rutrum aliquet turpis nec consectetur. Nunc libero est, congue eu metus sed, molestie faucibus nisi. Quisque tempus lacus quis mattis tempus. Donec mattis tellus vel augue accumsan, ullamcorper dapibus nibh volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Orange County Marketing. Phasellus fringilla fringilla neque eget commodo. Cras nisi nisi, tempus a pharetra a, venenatis eget enim. Proin metus justo, pulvinar a tincidunt id, semper sit amet neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam a ultrices eros. Etiam id arcu quis velit iaculis porttitor. Phasellus consequat ligula erat, vitae lacinia tellus consectetur in. Maecenas sed ex mollis, euismod dolor non, accumsan nisi. Proin at tristique lectus. Etiam ut eros orci. Donec faucibus diam sed metus ornare dignissim. Nunc convallis vitae metus sagittis tempus. Morbi ac aliquet erat, ac aliquet urna. Aenean mauris quam, laoreet eget nisl a, finibus ultrices tellus. Nunc eleifend metus at mauris maximus, in sagittis neque ultricies.

Curabitur vestibulum libero vitae vehicula malesuada. Etiam posuere, nisl malesuada efficitur faucibus, velit lectus tempor lorem, venenatis vulputate nisl erat at nisl. Sed luctus et tellus sit amet tempor. Duis pharetra neque et tempus ultrices. Sed iaculis ipsum eget dictum ultricies. Curabitur non porttitor augue. Curabitur ultricies dapibus elementum. Curabitur euismod mauris eu justo aliquam, tincidunt tincidunt lacus eleifend. Curabitur euismod sodales odio eu eleifend. Etiam pretium, orci eu ultricies lacinia, erat lorem porttitor dui, et laoreet mi erat nec erat. Integer sit amet consectetur nibh. Praesent ipsum lorem, lobortis non feugiat.

Orange County Marketing

updated social media channel posting example infographic

Business Social Media Orange County

Social Media Orange County

Social media networks are fantastic resources for businesses of all sizes looking to promote their brands online. The platforms themselves are free to use, and they also have paid advertising options specifically for brands that want to reach even more new audiences. But just because your business should be on social media, that doesn't mean your business should be on every network. It's important that you choose and nurture the social platforms that work best for your business so that you don't spread yourself too thin.

If you want to create a successful social strategy, you need to familiarize yourself with how each network runs, the kinds of audiences you can reach and how your business can best use each platform. We profiled the top social media platforms so you can learn more about them and market your business better. Here are some marketing strategies.

Facebook Social Media

Facebook is the biggest social network on the Web, both in terms of name recognition and the total number of users. With more than 1.55 billion active users, Facebook is a great medium for connecting people from all over the world with your business. And Facebook is not only the biggest network, but it's arguably the most versatile one. In the 12 years since it launched, Facebook grew from a simple website where college students could keep in touch into a multifaceted Web and mobile social platform where anyone can connect with not just their friends and family, but also with celebrities, organizations, businesses and more, thanks to the Pages feature.

Considering that Facebook has a wealth of options for any type of organization, it's a great starting point for your business, regardless of your industry. You can use it to share photos, videos, important company updates and more. Additionally, Facebook can be more low-maintenance than other social networks — whether you post several updates a day or only a few a week won't make much of a difference in terms of what your fans will think of you. To find out more about Facebook for business, check out our guide and start to manage social media, instead of social media managing you!


Twitter is another social network where you can post mostly anything. With Twitter, you can share short (140 or fewer characters) text updates, along with videos, images, links, polls and more. You can also easily interact with other users by mentioning their usernames in your posts, so Twitter is a great way to quickly connect with people all around the world. (The platform has more than 320 million active users worldwide and is one of the top 10 websites in the United States.) Because of its wide reach, Twitter is not only a great way to market your business but also an effective channel for handling customer service. For example, if you maintain an active Twitter presence, customers who are also active on the platform will seek you out to express concerns or share their praise.

If you have interesting content, Twitter is also a great tool for quickly spreading the word. Retweeting and sharing other users' content is incredibly simple, hashtags help boost posts, and if a user with a lot of followers retweets you, your content has the potential to go viral. But with Twitter, it's important to remember to find balance — don't simply share your own links or media; make sure you are also sharing a lot of interesting, relevant content from other Twitter users and from around the Web so your audience doesn't think you only care about what your business is doing. Check out our guide to learn more about using Twitter for business.


This platform consists of digital bulletin boards where users can save and display content they like in the form of pins. Users create and organize their boards by category. So, for example, as a personal user, one might have a board dedicated to food, where they pin recipes; another board dedicated to photography they find interesting; and so on. Pinterest is very visually oriented (every post has to be an image or video), and like Facebook, it is also fairly low-maintenance in terms of post frequency. However, keeping your boards organized and search-friendly can be time-consuming.

Pinterest is also more of a niche network than Facebook or Twitter, so it may not work for everyone. Pinterest's users are primarily women, and popular categories on the site are DIY projects, fashion, exercise, beauty, photography and food. That's not to say that businesses outside of these categories can't succeed on the platform, but it does make it a great marketing tool for businesses that do work in those areas. If you can find ways to connect your content to Pinterest's audience, then go for it. The platform also has a series of special types of pins called Rich Pins, which brands can use to add special information to their pins, like product details and even location maps. There are plenty of cool ways to use this platform to your advantage, and you can read more about them in our Pinterest for Business Guide.

social media orange county instagramInstagram

Instagram, like Pinterest, is a visual social media platform based entirely on photo and video posts. The network, which Facebook owns, has more than 400 million active users, many of whom post about food, art, travel, fashion and similar subjects. Instagram is distinguished by its unique filters and photo and video editing options. This platform, unlike the others, is almost entirely mobile (there is a Web version, but you can't take photos or create new posts on it, and other functions are limited as well).

Instagram is another platform where more artistic niches excel, so again, it may not be the best fit for your business, depending on your industry. If you want to succeed with Instagram, it's important that the person running your account has a good eye for detail and has at least basic photography skills, so that the photos and videos posted to your account are high-quality. And don't be discouraged if your industry is underrepresented on Instagram; if you can find the right hashtags to latch onto and can post intriguing photos, you will most likely make it work. To find out more about using Instagram for business, read our guide.

tumblr Team Debello social media orange countyTumblr

Tumblr is arguably the most difficult social media platform to use as a business, but it's also one of the most interesting networks. Tumblr allows several different post formats — including text posts, chat posts, quote posts, audio posts, photo posts and video posts — so you're not limited as to what kind of content you can share. As with Twitter, reblogging (reposting other users' content) is very quick and easy, so if a user with a lot of followers shares your content, it's possible to go viral fairly quickly. However, what sets Tumblr apart more than anything is its audience, which is less like a pool of users and more like one big tight-knit community full of smaller subcommunities.

Tumblr currently hosts more than 200 million blogs, and the majority of these blogs are run by young people (half of Tumblr's visitor base is under age 25). But this means that businesses that don't cater to young people's interests or aren't relatable to young people in some way are not poised for success on the network. The good news is, there's a subcommunity or fandom for almost every niche and interest you can think of, so a successful marketing campaign is possible if you use Tumblr correctly. You can learn more about the Tumblr community and how to use Tumblr for business in our guide.

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