Orange County Social Media Agency

Orange County Social Media Agency – Team Debello The Social Media Agency

Social Media Marketing and Campaign Planning

A Social Media Strategy and skilled implementation is essential for product releases and maintaining a community of customers and fans. Build your brand into the next big trend and have a direct connection to what your audience wants next. Social Media Marketing refers to activities initiated on social media web sites, like Facebook,LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, content discovery sites, social news site and forums with the goal to spread a message or content in the form of video, text, images, audio, widgets, virally through the social web to gain attention, visibility and traffic.

Debello offers social media marketing planning and consulting services that help businesses and organizations discover the audience they want to reach, gather insight and intelligence on what motivates them, and develops strategies and tactical plans to bring them closer to their brands, products or services. With Debello Social Media Solution Social Media platforms like FACEBOOK, TWITTER and YOUTUBE can be transformed from casual pastimes to sales platforms rich with customer feedback, analysis as well as sales! Our Social Media development service is designed for businesses and organizations that want to use social media to build brand-awareness, influence the acceptance and promotion of products and services, generate web site and social network channel traffic, viral buzz and incoming links to their web sites for search engine optimization purposes.

Our approach to Social Media Market Planning includes:

  • Overall Goals and Objectives
  • Market Analysis
  • Campaign Implementation Plan
  • Marketing Campaign Foundation
  • Technologies and Platforms
  • Creative Content Development
  • Cross-Channel Integration

One of our key Social Media Offerings is called the “Total Social Media Solution, SMS” With Debello SMS, we can take your company or brand from Social Media Zero to Social Media Hero in 7 weeks or less! Once we engage with you we undertake all of the tasks to create your company/brands social media space, and in the process we make a space that will get you noticed.

Here is a listing of what we accomplish in 7 weeks or less!

Initial 2 Hour Consultation Register company with up to 60 Social Media site Write 200 Status Updates
Information Gathering Setup 25 Specialized Social Media Sites Find 20 Blogs for Commenting
Keywod Research Setup 10 content Networks Setup 2 Products with 3 search engines
Custom Graphics Package Name Registry: Register with 50 more sites Write and distribute 4 press releases for Major News Networks
Setup a suite of Google tools – gmail, alerts Setup 5 Social bookmarking Sites Generate Twitter Likes
Smart Report Card Analysis Register with 20 Local Search Sites Generate Facebook Profile Likes
Create Email Mtg Account and prepare first email Register with 20 Mobile Directory Sites Setup Facebook Group
Assist in Setup of 3-4 domains Setup 2 Execs
in 20 different sites
Set up Facebook Fan Page
Setup Self Hosted Blogging Accounts Create and schedule up to 30 blog posts Conduct Facebook Fanpage “like” campaign
Setup YouTube account Basic Search Engine Analysis on 1 website Generate Linkedin Add Ons
CRM Integration (for 250 contacts) Setup 3 Syndication Tools Generate Google+ Add Ons
Setup List Management Tools Setup a Social Bookmarking Tool Pinterest Setup and Add ons
Get 10 Royalty free images for blog posts Submit up to 30 links to Social Bookmarking Setup Social Hub
Basic Blog Setup Setup 5 Authority
4 Hour Training – pass knowledge – maint
Register company with 134 top Search Engines Setup Alexa Registry Progress Meetings up to 6 hours


You could spend thousands of hours to accomplish what we do in 7 weeks or less, and best of all is that this program was designed to be maintained by you once we are done. Not only do we give you the fish but we teach you how to fish as well! You will absolutely not be wanting or need anything else to make your social media program rock!

Orange County Social Media Agency


Social Media Marketing Services Overview


Facebook Social Media Marketing Overview

Facebook Page Management
The goal of our Facebook management service is to increase the engagement rate with the existing base of Facebook fans. One of the ways that we accomplish this is through an ongoing content marketing system that runs through the website of the client. Our system publishes articles with info-graphics that have a proven track record of being shared within Facebook. This allows us to send high converting traffic to pages within your site that reinforce social media marketing via sharing.

Facebook Like Building
We work with our clients to increase the total number of prospects and customers that have liked their Facebook page. Every social media marketing campaign is unique to each client, and we focus on leveraging existing assets that will deliver the highest ROI.

Facebook Social Media Advertising
We create and manage Facebook ad campaigns for our clients. Our social media ad experts create custom Facebook ad campaigns that are designed to focus in on the ideal target audience with the highest conversion rate. The design team also creates custom landing pages tailored to be congruent with each advertisement.

Twitter Social Media Marketing Overview

Twitter Account Management
As with Facebook, we leverage our content marketing system to push targeted Twitter traffic back to the client’s website. The end goal is to drive more revenue from social media marketing. This is accomplished by creating tweets that having the highest click through and re-tweet rate. The two major components of a successful tweet are the message and the landing page.

Increasing Twitter Followers
One of the primary goals of our social media marketing campaigns is to increase the total number of Twitter followers to our clients. The number of followers that a company has can influence everything from the conversions ratio of the site to how long a visitor will stay on a website. We use a variety of social media marketing techniques and strategies to increase this number.

Twitter Social Media Advertising
We use a network of the most influential users on Twitter to promote our clients to. The network is made up of over 42,000 people and businesses that have agreed to tweet out messages in exchange for getting paid for each click that the tweet generates. We also work with high profile celebrities that are paid per tweet as opposed to per click.

Orange County Social Media Agency

YouTube Social Media Marketing Overview

YouTube Video SEO
The biggest ROI producing video marketing technique is YouTube SEO. YouTube is the number two search engine behind Google, which means that it is bigger than Yahoo and Bing. Our proprietary process allows us to have our client’s videos show up first in the search results for high converting phrases on YouTube.

Video Production Services
We offer video production services to every city in the United States and Canada. Our clients are assigned a producer and videographer that guide them through the entire process, from pre-production to placing the video on their website.

YouTube Channel Design
For all of our clients that utilize our video or YouTube services, we create a custom YouTube channel using design elements from their main website.

LinkedIn Social Media Marketing Overview

LinkedIn Connections
The number of LinkedIn connections is the most important element of the social media marketing strategy for LinkedIn. We help our clients connect with some the most connected users on Linkedin. This allows them to virtually contact any decision maker on the network.

LinkedIn SEO
LinkedIn search traffic converts at a five times greater rate than Google search. Our social SEO specialists optimize our clients profiles so that they will come up for specific searches for targeted keyword phrases.

LinkedIn Status Updates
As with Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn also allows you to send status updates to everyone that you are connected with on LinkedIn. We strategically word the updates to increase social sharing and click-thoughs to the landing page.

Recent Social Media Marketing Statistics
53% of Twitter users recommend companies 4% of B2B companies use Facebook marketing 57% of businesses got customers via LinkedIn

75% of businesses use social media marketing $3.1 billion on social media marketing in 2014 Facebook has 42 million “Pages” with 10+ likes B2B social media marketing spending rose 67%

20% of visitors to biz sites are from social media 66% that follow a brand on Twitter will purchase 66% increased SEO rankings from social media

91% of social marketers see improved site traffic 130 is the average friends per Facebook user Social media commerce will top $30 billion in 2015 26% of re-tweets are created by requested a RT

50% of smart phones connect to Facebook hourly 552 million active users on Facebook Average Facebook user logs in 6.5 hours monthly

75% of businesses use social media marketing Twitter is made up of 60% females and 40% males Google+ user base is 69% males and 31% females Pinterest users are 79% female and 21% male

58% of all Facebook users return to site daily There are 500+ million likes on Facebook everyday 250 million photos are added to Facebook daily

26% of Twitter re-tweets have “please RT” in it 1 million new Twitter accounts are added daily YouTube has 4 billion videos viewed every day The average Pinterest user has 171 pins

67% of people like biz pages for coupons 28% of users share deals through social media 91% of mobile internet access is for social media Google +1 buttons are served 5 billion times daily

Social Media Marketing Strategies
Twitter Social Media Marketing Tactics
Write 120 and 130 characters per tweet. Use “Please RT” at the end of each tweet. Use action verbs in your tweets. Tweets in the afternoon get the most clicks.

Facebook Marketing Strategy
Facebook fans want coupons and discounts. Limit your updates to 90 characters. Images on updates have the most shares. Ask questions in your updates and engage. Optimize posts to be seen on a mobile phone.

YouTube Marketing Musts
Use an HD camera for your videos. Optimize your title for keyword searches. Write detailed descriptions over 300 words. Create videos between 3-15 minutes in length.

Our Social Media Marketing Focus
Twitter Marketing Services
We focus our Twitter efforts on helping small businesses increase their Twitter followers count. A high follower count plays a vital role in the conversion rate of a website by establishing trust between the visitor and the company. See our social media testimonials from clients.

YouTube Marketing Services
Our overall goal with our YouTube marketing services is to increase the visibility of our clients’ videos. Through increasing their views and subscribers, we are able to significantly increase organic views by having their videos rank highly in YouTube and Google search.

LinkedIn Marketing Services
With LinkedIn, we are helping our clients increase the overall number of high value connections Our clients are connected with the most influential users on LinkedIn, which allows them to contact virtually any key decision maker.

Does it cost a lot to go from zero to hero with thousands of likes and connections in the Social Media world, depends on how you choose to engage with us. Sign up for our MaaS program and this cost drops down to as little as seven thousand dollars, only want the service and not Maas and you are still all in for less than twenty thousand.

Call us today at 949-954-7769, send us an email or fill out the form to the right and one of our Success Managers will get right back to you and will be able to answer all of your questions! Debello SMS, just one of the many many ways we conquer the Internet with Digital Marketing.



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