Local Digital Marketing Program for Small Business

The Immediate results of Direct to Consumer marketing, coupled with the ongoing success of local and mobile SEO now comes together in our focused on local Small Business Digital Marketing Program.

In the Small Buiness world, we frequently come across the challenge of how to drive NEW local customers to the brick and mortar location of our clients. In the past we have encouraged our clients to embark on a consistent program and plan of local and mobile SEO program to help drive that engine and while the that tactic works it takes some time for thoses efforts to bear fruit and usually our clients want to see some DIRECT and IMMEDIATE reults that wil help to increase their cash flow, and now Debello as found a way to do exactly that! What's different with this program is that you now have a direct to consumer program combined with a ongoing local/mobile SEO program. This is the proverbial 1-2 marketing punch delivered!


Debello is pleased to announce this new program that provides for a direct to consumer (face to face) and online local/mobile SEO program that will start driving new customers to your business as well as position your online presence to continually feed that traffic for years to come.

This is solution that Debello has been wanting to provide its customers and now it finally has the right partner to provide the direct to consumer effort that was missing before.

Our direct to consumer program is designed to bring you and your customers together, with the goal of building a repeat, loyal following for your business. While we find it important to bring new customers into the door, we think it is equally important to bring in your existing customers more frequently. With that in mind, our campaigns lock customers in for enough time to build brand loyalty. Depending on the business type, we design a program that entices existing customers to return again and again – and at a much higher frequency!

Of course in following our performance marketing model we understand that advertising budgets are tight… sometimes even non-existent for small businesses. That’s why we’ve developed a program that costs our clients nothing. We reverse the cost of our advertising onto the consumers – you’ll never need to write us a check!

Then we add on our Local/Mobile SEO Program! 

Mobile technology has hit the mainstream, smartphones and tablets now drive one out of every three minutes spent with digital media. Mobile phones have become so much more than flip phones taking low resolution photos, they’ve evolved to mini computers, with you wherever you go. Smartphone users are texting, tweeting, and sending emails, and they are also shopping. Currently mobile commerce (m-commerce) accounts for 1 in 10 e-commerce dollars, or in other terms tablet users purchased $359 in products, on average per transaction, from tablets in the last 12 months. And, smartphone users are also searching with GPS enabled, which pinpoints their exact location. As such, users expect different search engine results that reflect, their location, social signals, and universal listings.

The growth of local search, and increasing usage of smartphones and tablets, and m-commerce has fueled the need for Digital Marketers to optimize for mobile search. Debello has introduced an innovative new service, Mobile SEO, enabling Digital Marketers to create winning mobile search strategies.

Manage Mobile Search Performance with:

  • Blended + Mobile – SERPs on mobile vary dramatically from desktop, and often feature as few as 5 listings on page one. Measure your true rank in mobile across devices, and inclusive of Universal Results (image, video, social, and local results) to gain an accurate picture of your performance.
  • Local + Mobile – Mobile search is sensitive to location. Gain in in-depth visibility into local SEO performance by keywords and keyword groups across major cities.
  • Dashboards & Reporting – Gain visibility and manage performance across mobile, tablet, and desktop results. Track and report on keyword trends, and rankings across device type.
  • Mobile Campaign Management – Measure the impact of off-page and on-page changes and how they affect SEO performance of pages on mobile devices. And, optimize mobile campaign performance for e-commerce.
  • Competitive Analysis – Gain the deepest visibility into the entire competitive landscape, and Share of Voice for your brand across mobile SEO. Understand your competitors’ most valuable pages and keywords.
  • Measure Mobile / Local Landing Pages – Set your location and/or mobile pages as Preferred Landing Pages (PLPs) to measure how your branded, local keywords, and location pages rank in local markets.

Why Mobile SEO Matters

31% of the U.S. Internet population used a tablet or e-reader in 2012 (A Portrait of Today’s Tablet User Wave II, Online Publishers Association, June 2012)
Global mobile data traffic grew 70 percent in 2012 (Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012–2017, February 2013)
There are over 1.1 billion global smartphone subscribers (Internet Trends, Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, December 2012)
A third of tablet usage is coming from outside the home (A Portrait of Today’s Tablet User Wave II, Online Publishers Association, June 2012)


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