Imagery integral to the buying process for majority of consumers

According to an analysis of YouGov consumer data by martech company Pure360 shows that the importance of imagery when it comes to the purchasing process.

YouGov polled 2045 adults and found that 53% think that images grab their attention more than headlines. 61% expected marketing messages to include photos or images.

In fact, 62% of respondents said that they would not buy from a brand unless they can see the product being sold in its entirety. The choice of imagery is important too, with 54% saying that they prefer brands that use product imagery over those that use lifestyle images.

Komal Helyer, Marketing Director at Pure360 said:

“With image sharing platforms like Instagram growing in popularity, brands are paying special attention to the power of a picture in marketing efforts to attract customers. Thankfully today they benefit from a plethora of technologies to deliver more relevant, interactive, responsive and targeted images.”

Public image

The importance of brand imagery is likely to grow in the coming years. A recent eMarketer report estimates that Instagram will account for a third of all global social media users by 2021.

The price for using irrelevant or ‘bad’ imagery can be pronounced for brands. 69% of respondents said that it makes a brand look bad if they use the wrong kinds of images. For 18% there are also certain colours they prefer to see brands use and not using them can have a negative influence on their view of the brand.

But if the choice of imagery is done correctly, it can be a strong driver of brand advocacy. 23% of the consumers surveyed said that they like to share images of items from brands they like online.

“A great image alone may well not suffice in resonating with a potential or existing customer,” Helyer continued.

“Consumers are used to a personalised experience and if an image doesn’t fit with the text around it and isn’t relevant to them, it could potentially damage their propensity to make a purchase. On the other hand, our research has shown that a decent number of British shoppers will share a picture from a brand they like when the image is right.”

- by Colm Hebblethwaite

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