Usability Research Services

Team Debello leverages best practice UX and usability testing methods, strategic research analysis, and actionable user recommendations. With extensive experience across industries: Automotive, Entertainment, e-Commerce, Travel and more, we design a wide range of usability studies customized for your business goals and users’ needs. We partner with panel vendors, online testing tools, recruiting firms, and testing facilities to accommodate for all your usability research needs.

Connect with real users
We conduct qualitative usability research with smaller user groups. Participants are asked to explain the reasons behind their actions. We also offer quantitative research with larger audiences to deliver statistically significant results. The goal is to identify what is working and what needs to be improved.

Listen to real users
The geographic location of the target audience determines the type of one-on-one task-based usability study. When users are in the same location, in person studies are conducted in a traditional lab setting. If users are geographically spread out (nationally and internationally) we recommend remote testing using an online screen-sharing tool.

Get real feedback from real users
In moderated usability studies, our facilitators guide the participant through the entire session. The participant may be in the same room with the facilitator or join the session remotely using an online screen-sharing tool.
We also conduct un-moderated usability studies utilizing leading online testing tools that we configure with tasks and questions. Once invited, hundreds of users may participate at the same time from their natural environment at their own convenience. Participants can complete the study without a human moderator while the testing tool captures data for further analysis.

See how real users are using devices
We specialize in conducting website and application usability studies on different devices- desktop, tablet, mobile, kiosks, etc. To ensure a seamless user experience across all channels, we also offer usability testing of responsive design.

Listen to the experts
We have extensive experience in performing heuristic evaluations. Our experts analyze a website or application against research-based criteria to discover usability problems in the user interface design. The outcome of the assessment is a list of prioritized recommendations to help achieve tangible results.

Ask real users
Online surveys may be utilized either as a usability study component or as an individual research tool depending on project objectives. They can be used to gather customer insights, pre-screen participants before an online study, present task follow-up questions, evaluate overall experience in a post-test questionnaire, and more.

Let real users categorize
We utilize online card sorting tools to gather insights on how users group topics and to validate categorization models. With a card sorting exercise, we can test navigation paths, information architecture, product lists, menu structures, and more.

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