User interface design, Usability Design
UID, UI design – no matter what you call it - user interface is the gateway through which users interact with your products or services. Online or offline, it’s the same idea. There’s a saying that a well-designed user interface will pay for itself and more; significantly more.

We take into account best practices across a variety of fields like visual design, usability, information architecture and interaction design to create excellent user interfaces. Our interfaces are both pleasurable for users and give you competitive advantage.

Information architecture
People must be able to find the information they are looking for – fast. That means your website or application must be organised so it’s consistent, intuitive and reflects your organisation’s goals. Our information architects are trained in organizing information into logical structures that make sense specifically to your users.

This requires knowledge of information science, psychology and business, among other areas. These skills are quite separate from the core skills that visual designers and developers usually have.

Interaction design
Anything people do with your application or website is an “interaction”.

When people are buying things from your web shop, what’s the next step after adding their item to their cart? If an error occurs, will everything they have done be deleted? We identify, evaluate and design the interactions people might have with your products and services online.

We orchestrate those interactions and make sure that they are consistent with your site’s information architecture, your business goals and your customers’ expectations. It’s a magical synergy of form, function and interaction.

Visual design
Visual design is the “look” in the “look and feel” but it’s also much more. Visual design gives a face to your brand, builds an emotional connection and ensures the proper communication of ideas and functions. Our visual designers have a broad understanding of business environments. Their main task is to listen to your needs and come up with creative solutions; it’s all about communication.

Visual design is the agent that establishes a clear understanding of the purpose and meaning of your solution. We design and create websites and web apps, mobile and tablet apps, corporate identities and icons to name but a few.